There are so many different degree programs to think about when you start applying for college courses. Unless you know exactly what it is you want to use your degree for, it might be a difficult task to pick the right one. Some subjects will lead to greater career choices than others, so it’s wise to take the time to consider just what you might be able to do with your degree once you have earned it.
Economics is a great example of a degree subject that can lead to a great many different careers, and therefore it can be an ideal subject to study even if you’re not quite sure what you want to do. Here are some examples of what you might be able to do once you have a degree in economics:

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Working hard for a degree from means you have the potential to become an auditor, if that’s the direction you want to go in. Auditors earn around $57,000, and they are responsible for reviewing the accounts and financial situation of any particular company or organization.
To do this, an auditor must essentially conduct an investigation, so if you like piecing together puzzles to find the right answers, and if you want the answers you find to really mean something, the role of an auditor could be perfect for you. You can work on some very high profile cases, including carrying out work for the government, so it’s a highly important job.
Financial Risk Analyst
A financial risk analyst may not sound like a particularly exciting position to have, but it can be extremely interesting, and it takes a degree in economics to start a career in this sector. Essentially, a financial risk analyst is tasked with predicting any events that might have a negative impact on a business’s finances, after evaluating those finances and looking for issues.
A financial risk analyst will work for large companies such as those in the insurance sector or trading companies. They might work for hedge funds, or perhaps in the public sector where every penny counts and any potentially dangerous situations need to be accounted for and a contingency plan created, just in case.
Working in four major categories – credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and regulatory risk – the financial risk analyst will not only predict any upcoming issues, but they will help to reduce or control those risks too. This job has an average salary of around $62,000.
Economic Consultant
The term ‘economic consultant’ might not be one you’ve heard before, but they are a highly sought after type of person, and they earn about $60,000. Their job is to study statistical and financial data in a variety of different sectors. By doing this, they are able to come up with different scenarios through thorough research. This is the kind of career a meticulous, careful, dedicated researcher will thrive in, and with an economics degree behind you, you could go very far in this kind of work.
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