As recent research data shows, more than 77% of recruiters used LinkedIn for candidate screening as part of their recruitment efforts. Furthermore, over 95% of recruiters were using LinkedIn in 2020, according to Forbes, to hunt for job candidates. This number has only increased as of 2023! A few years ago, an active LinkedIn profile was a nice-to-have thing, and in-person interviews were the standard practice. However, everything has changed. The importance of having a strong LinkedIn profile is just obvious — 86% of businesses are now doing their whole hiring process online.
Wondering how to ensure that your LinkedIn profile stands out? Even though the LinkedIn profile features are set, there’s still a lot of leeway for personalization. Let us share the top five tips that will help you make an impressive profile that will amaze recruiters!

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Tip 1 — Add a Profile Photo
Putting a face to your name and adding a quality photo to your LinkedIn profile is the easiest thing you can do. Studies have shown that it only takes one-tenth of a second for someone to make conclusions about you based on your photo, and 93% of recruiters will look at your profile photo. Therefore, your profile photo is often the first impression you make on potential employers, clients, or colleagues. LinkedIn members with a photo can benefit from far more engagement: 21 times more profile views and 9 times more connection requests. A profile picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed. Therefore, investing in a professional headshot is worthwhile if you don’t already have one to utilize. You can always use AI Headshots for this purpose and have a catchy photo made in seconds.
Tip 2 — Write an In-Depth Summary
You have the ideal chance to tell a story of your professional success in your summary. We are more than sure that there are many achievements that you are proud of, but be aware that LinkedIn limits the length of your summary to 2000 characters. Consider a summary line as an expanded version of your headline. Make the most of the space by focusing on your professional strengths and competencies. You might illustrate your experience with real-world instances, add links to your professional portfolio, etc. It’s up to you to write the summary creatively.
Keep your summary as brief as possible. It’s important to remember that your viewers will only see the first three lines of it, so make those sentences as convincing and strong as possible to land the highest-paying job. Instead of focusing on past experiences, make a picture of who you truly are as a professional today.
Tip 3 — Keep Your Page Active
LinkedIn is more than just your virtual resume. It’s also a social networking site. To get the most out of the platform, it is important to keep your page active. Your LinkedIn feed should be updated with new posts and articles. Like and share posts that speak to you, leave comments demonstrating your expertise, and let your network know about your professional achievements, be it a promotion, a new certificate acquired, etc.
Posting regular status updates on LinkedIn will help you get noticed by those who follow you. When someone from your first-degree connections needs a specialist who does what you do, they will be more likely to think of you. By keeping your LinkedIn page active, you can expand your network and connect with new people who can help you grow your business or advance your career.
Tip 4 — Expand Your Network
Syncing your profile on LinkedIn with your email address book is one of the simplest and most effective ways to expand your LinkedIn network. This allows LinkedIn to recommend people for you to connect with. It’s incredible how useful this can be at appearing to relevant people to contact as no connection requests are sent without your approval, allowing you to assess all possible connections. Aside from that, make a habit of following up on meetings and conversations with LinkedIn connection requests — it’s an amazing way to keep your network active and up to date.
Tip #5 — Take a Skills Assessment
An online skills assessment allows you to prove your skills level and display a Verified Skills badge on your LinkedIn profile. According to data, candidates with proven and assessed skills are approximately 30% more likely to get hired for the positions they apply for — and providing proof of your expertise boosts your personal brand more broadly. Displaying the results of your skills assessments is completely optional, and you can retake the tests as many times as you like before indicating that you’ve passed.
Make the Max out of Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, with over 875 million users globally. If you’re serious about your job, professional growth, or career change, you’ll need to know how to create a catchy and up-to-date LinkedIn profile. It is your opportunity to put your name and face in front of hundreds (or even thousands) of professionals in your field.
However, simply having a LinkedIn page is insufficient. You need a good LinkedIn profile that attracts attention, introduces you properly, and allows you to connect with people who can help you advance your career. This is what the above tips will help you to achieve.
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